
Growing Orders


March 8-14 was Catholic Sisters Week across the United States. New Yorkers can celebrate two orders of sisters that are thriving and growing. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, headquartered in Ann Arbor, Mich., were started 24 years ago by Cardinal John O’Connor in New York. They have more than 150 sisters with an average age of 32 and they primarily work in education. They live together in convents offering daily prayer while wearing a white religious habit and veil. Their tech-savvy website, www.sistersofmary.org, has many informative videos and personal vocation stories.

The Sisters of Life, also started by Cardinal O’Connor and headquartered in New York, serve primarily with life issues and ministering to unwed mothers. Their website, www.sistersoflife.org, inspires us with much hope for the future of religious life. They wear a distinctive blue religious habit with a veil and live communally in convents.

These two orders of sisters offer us much admiration for their response of “yes” to God and their vocation.

Joe Campbell
Port Washington