
‘Uneven Outrage’


At age 79, I have been a faithful reader of the Catholic press for many years, but I will not allow the biased reporting in your Jan. 14 issue to go unchallenged. Yes, mistakes were made, specifically by the President and his rhetoric. I do not condone this. But when he sincerely believes, as most of his supporters do, that it was not a fair election, and when the press and social media will not give him voice, including your paper, he resorted to the voice of the people. Why did you not report that many of the leaders of the mob were Alt-Right and Alt-Left factions. Anti-Trump bias hides under your uneven outrage.

And then, turning the page and seeing an article lauding the fact that a Jesuit priest was to deliver the invocation at the Inauguration put me over the edge. Perhaps the Jesuit priest, a personal friend of President Biden, would have better served God by letting Biden know that he is a moral coward for running on a platform that supports unfettered abortion, And perhaps your paper should do that too. I am tired of the clergy and their extensions (Catholic New York) marching in step with those who would destroy you.

Your paper has failed Catholics miserably. Please remove me from your mailing list

Roger Muller
Yorktown Heights